Help out with a donation

Search Good Books was created because we believe that there is a need for it. Children and young people benefit immensely from quality literature and we want to make it more likely that they will have it! However, this archive is far from complete. With your support we will keep adding to it every week.

If you agree with us that Search Good Books is an important project, please consider making a donation to support our work.

You can also donate a book! We have created a public wish list of books that we intend to purchase and read in future. Please consider helping out by purchasing a book from this list for us. Here is a link to the list:

If you are donating a book from this list just choose it and add it to your own basket. At checkout you will be asked to select which address you want to send it to. You should have the option of 'Fotini Hamplova's wish list address'. Please note also that you do not need to send us a new copy of a book. The cheapest paperback available will do well. However, we cannot read books in kindle.

The great news is that when you donate a book to our project you are donating it twice. This is because once we finish reviewing a book, we will then donate it in turn to a school library or give it to a child if we know that they will particularly love it. That is if we like the book. If we don't like the book, we will use it to light the wood burner. Thank you!